Do You Remember When Rock Was Young?

Way back in 1972, the Elton John and Bernie Taupin song Crockodile Rock asked, “Do you remember when rock was young?” When that wonderful song first hit the Billboard magazine charts, technically, rock and roll was still young. If you were in or near the rock and roll radio business in those days, you would not think of living your life without reading Billboard and the famous columnist Claude Hall.

Fast forward to today. Claude Hall has just published I Love Radio, a lengthy (250+ page) fictional trip into the wayback machine. Claude Hall’s work is available immediately for downloading in eBook format for $9.95 that you easily can read on a computer screen, or Kindle, iPad, or even print out if you are old-school and still like to read from the printed page.

There are people “in the know,” as the saying goes. When it comes to the rock and roll radio business, Claude Hall is one of these people. I met him long, long ago when I was conducting primary research into one of the most famous rock and roll radio business accomplishment, Boss Radio at 93/KHJ in Los Angeles. He helped me focus my efforts as a very young man in awe of the rock and roll radio business. I am indebted to Claude Hall for his guidance in my research efforts in those days that eventually led to my rock and roll radio history website, Boss Radio Forever that has now been online continuously for 14 years now.

Best wishes to Claude Hall for success with I Love Radio!

—comment from Claude Hall in response—

from: Claude Hall claudehall
to: Woody Goulart wg
cc: Larry Shannon larryshannon
date: Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 6:05 PM
subject: I Love What You Wrote!

My thanks, good friend.

I got emotional; I won’t lie about that. You write well and with impact.

I’m sincerely grateful for the item about my e-book. If this book does well, it will be because of people like you.


Claude Hall