One Secret for Social Media Business Success

There is a one “secret” to making social media channels work. Here it is: relationships. Succeeding with strategic marketing online demands that you know how and why relationships with people work.

If you remember nothing else about social media, you should keep these things in the front of your mind:

1–First and foremost: Know exactly who your audience is. Understand at a very deep level what members of your audience expect to receive from you in online presentations. Once you know this, only then will you be able to create meaningful ways to develop relationships with the people who are in your target audience. You cannot rely upon software to help you. You need to be someone (or hire someone) who knows how and why people relationships work as they do.

2–Adapt ALL of your intended messages to appeal to your target audience based on your deep understanding. Don’t just write stuff that you think should be conveyed to your target audience. Be CERTAIN what you write for online presentation is adapted specifically to win over your target audience to your point of view if they are not already believers. Being “relatable” to people in your target audience is crucial. In other words, do what it takes for you to create successful relationships with people in your target audience so that you can win them over by meeting the needs and desires that they have.

3–Submerge your own ego. You must always focus first on how you can adapt what you post on social media to win over your target audience. What you get out of the writing (ego gratification and money) should not motivate you or your will fail.

4–Measure the impact of your efforts! Measuring what has happened (as opposed to just guessing at what has happened) is vital if you are to succeed in strategic communications online. There are many different ways to measure your impact on Twitter and Facebook.

I can help you make your social media usage effective for your business. Just contact me to get started.

Don't Suck When Using Social Media

One very humorous, yet truthful, exploration “How To Suck at Facebook,” provides highly useful tips on what to avoid doing on Facebook if you want to be taken seriously and not have people laughing at what you do online. (The rules are different, of course, if your mission involves comedy and satire.) There are also practical suggestions for proper etiquette when you use Twitter if you want to avoid seeming like you don’t really know how to use social media.
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