Sales and Customer Service Skills Coaching for Marijuana Dispensary Employees

If you already are an employee working in the cannabis industry (or if you would like to become such an employee in the near future), getting training provided by Dr. Woody Goulart is an excellent choice for you.

Cannabis Industry Training = Job Skills = Job Security

Did you ever consider that perhaps your employer has not provided you with proper on-the-job training? Who will look out for you as you try for a long career in the cannabis industry? Only you! Take advantage of this step-by-step coaching for boosting your cannabis sales and customer service skills.

There’s a fresh new approach to cannabis sales and customer service skills training for all dispensary and other retail cannabis employees across the United States.

Dr. Woody Goulart is the originator of this program. You can take advantage of this step-by-step guided training online for boosting your cannabis sales and customer service skills. This skills-building program includes a certificate of completion.

The professional training was created by Dr. Woody Goulart, someone uniquely qualified for this line of work. Woody earned his PhD in communications, coached and trained adults at the university level, is a certified professional life and business coach, and, he brings to the table a significant background in consultative sales in the broadcasting industry and from cabinet-level US government consulting gigs in Washington, DC.

What makes this sales skills coaching different from others is the focus this coaching gives to generation-specific interpersonal communication and emotional quotient (EQ) strategies and tactics is designed to make all the difference in whether a dispensary employee stands out from others when selling cannabis products and providing customer service after the sale.

Dr. Woody assures you that anyone of any age working in a marijuana dispensary can learn new skills from his coaching and training to boost sales-oriented interpersonal communication and emotional quotient (EQ) to result in persuading Boomers and Gen Xers to make a purchase.

The cost for this specialized skills coaching for cannabis sales and customer service is an excellent investment to safeguard your career!

Click on the “I Want This!” button to get started right now.

Downloadable eBook

If you learn better by reading, you should consider getting Dr. Woody Goulart’s Cannabis Sales and Customer Service Secrets for Success available for a limited time only for just $39.99 from Amazon.