One Writer's Opinion about Amazon Kindle

Very recently, two friends of mine asked me: Do you have a hard-copy version of your book that you can send me? Is your book available anywhere else except on Amazon? These both are valid questions.

As I writer, I see my purpose as sharing of ideas, not the selling of computerized or hand-held devices.

I have not owned a Kindle device even though I am a classic early adapter. I will admit here, however, that I ordered the new Kindle Fire on the very first day that it was announced. Now I eagerly await the day when my Kindle Fire arrives at my door!

I completely respect Amazon as a company. In all the many years that I have been a customer, Amazon has never once failed to impress me. I have dealt with many brick and mortar and online companies as a customer. In my opinion, Amazon’s customer service is second to none. Period.

But, back to the device question: Why did I choose to go with an eBook that is exclusively available on Kindle instead of going with the more traditional hard-copy version? The answer is simple. The future of book-length writing belongs to those who embrace eBooks. To me, this fact could not be more obvious.

For those who somehow do not want to spend money to own one of the hand-held versions of Kindle, the alternative is to use the FREE online version that Amazon has today for Windows and Mac.