The Story Behind the Trump Style

Frequently, what Donald Trump chooses to say aloud and write in text format invites listeners and readers to respond with intensity. Whenever Trump’s words are charged with his own feelings versus being merely neutral (as in ceremonial events), his choice of words and the words, themselves, compel listeners or readers to respond in a vigorous way. Communication style is a separate issue from any and all considerations of partisan political opinions, ideologies, or strategies and … Read more

When Words Saved Indianapolis

There once was a time not so long ago when words spoken from a man’s heart delivered true impact upon humanity. No, this is not about some long-dead Greeks from ancient times that you have forgotten by now if you ever learned of any of them in the first place. This is about what happened in a big city half a century ago in the United States of America in our extremely violent culture. It … Read more

Why You Need a Website

You only need a website today if you want to prove to others that you exist. If you are happy to remain in obscurity, you can get along just fine without having your own website. Individuals, small and medium-size businesses, and nonprofits need a complete, yet affordable, selection of professional and customized services to enable them to win over their particular target audience with online marketing. Usually this means paying today’s high prices for professional … Read more

Go Buzz Power

For everyone who wants to go out into the real world and harness buzz power: My eBook is available for in an updated edition (2022) at no cost to you. Revised and expanded with new content. This eBook with a revised title covers the successful use of strategies and tactics in the digital realm that create public excitement about a person, place, or thing: Creating Buzz Power: Public Excitement for You and What You Do … Read more

Trending Tactic if You Want to Stand Out

There is a tactic available to you today that is leading a trend in online communication. This can help you stand out from your competitors in a powerful way. Let me tell you about it: This past week I finished producing an electronic book (eBook) and associated online promotional campaign for a Southern California newspaper columnist. He is Don Barrett and he has covered the radio broadcasting business for nearly 20 years online at … Read more