Sharing my eBook Secrets

There is a tactic available to you today that is leading a trend in online communication. This can help you stand out from your competitors in a powerful way. Let me tell you about it: I produced an electronic book (eBook) and associated online promotional campaign for a Southern California newspaper columnist. He is Don Barrett and he has covered the radio broadcasting business for nearly 20 years online at Don turned to me … Read more

Two Cities

Once you make the decision to follow your internal guidance or your heart or your karma, there is no turning back. So, you think you can stand out? Yes, you can, but it may be more difficult than you can imagine. Those who follow my column on Ned’s Job of the Week website already have seen my commentaries on making transitions in life and career. My most recent column on this subject was on June … Read more

Birthday Commentary

Woody Goulart photographed by Sam Glass, Jr.

A few months ago I updated my commentary entitled “Should I Stay or Should I Go” — a title from that song from the 1980s by the English punk rock group The Clash. Here is update on the occasion of my birthday, June 29, about how to stand out. It is good to reflect upon your life at least once a year. Doing so on your birthday makes good sense in my humble opinion. As … Read more

Kubrick Warned Us, But We Did Not Believe Him

stanley kubrick

American film director Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) created unforgettable and challenging ideas in his storytelling such as the recurring theme that technology is a curse for mankind rather than a blessing. Kubrick warned us, be we did not believe him. Just 14 years after Kubrick passed, technology is taking away jobs that we humans will likely never regain. This is not science fiction. This is real. A sobering article entitled “After Your Job Is Gone” is … Read more

Create Your Own Reality

Throughout Western culture in literature, song, movies and other artifacts there is a common meaning to be found: Each person has the capability of creating their own reality. Tapping into this ancient wisdom can save your life and reinvent who you are. A very recent echoing of this wisdom came from Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO at GE. Read his simple, yet profound message to a graduating class of college students to see what I … Read more