A Man of Hair

Woody Goulart says, “I am a man of hair. The proof of this claim is here in photographs showing the various styles, lengths and colors of my hair at different times in my life. I find many of these photographs to be very humiliating, but you deserve to see the evidence, so here we go…”

innocent accordion player at age 14  age 16 with high school classmate Char Mees in San Francisco

beginning graduate school in Arcata, California at age 23 age 28 on the night before marrying this woman -- does the look on my face mean anything?

what a cable television leader looks like in Brockton, Massachusetts at age 33 Brockton, Massachusetts official executive photograph visiting Mom in San Luis Obispo when I turned 40

blond phase during Rocky Mountain Exile in Denver wanting to be a blond cowboy in Arizona

age 43 with my sister Dianna at the Pacific Ocean  hanged at age 45 in Arizona by personal fitness trainer

age 46 in the Washington, DC Metro with Samuel Glass, Jr  -- in a relationship now for 22 years my shortest hair ever in the year 2000

captured by a predator in Las Vegas,May 2018