
How do you stand out during the sequester? Do you want to stand out? Or, during the sequester is it better to stay below everyone’s radar? These are all good questions. Answering these questions may prove to be difficult, however. The effective start date of the sequester was March 1, 2013. Nobody really knows what precisely will happen now that the sequester is underway. Can anyone answer questions about when the impact of the sequester … Read more


If you want to stand out, you need to become empowered. It’s really that simple. I am vice president of electronic communications on the board at the Las Vegas chapter of IABC. My Las Vegas presentation “How Powerful People Use Digital and Online Channels” was postponed, but wait! Here’s a very cool online version that you will definitely want to check out. It is never too late to start on your way to relevance. You, … Read more