It’s easy to get confused about what is cannabis coaching. That’s because so many people online have set up shop calling themselves “cannabis coaches” yet they are not really doing coaching at all. They are doing other things, but it’s not coaching. Read about the differences below.
I am Dr. Woody Goulart. I am accurately calling myself a cannabis coach as compared to being called a cannabis consultant. My coaching changes (transforms) people in many ways that will make them better compared to how they were before they met me. Example: I teach people to have new sales skills to help them succeed when selling cannabis products. Why would you choose to trust anyone who only spent a few hours or a few weeks to get a piece of paper saying they are “a coach”? I don’t want you to waste your money on people like that. I spent decades developing a strong and valid employment track record and earning respected university degrees that defined who I am professionally. I refuse to bullshit you like others do.
Differences between Coaching and Consulting
One guy online says cannabis coaching he offers is “…to help people use cannabis in an effective and efficient way…” Source:
A woman online says cannabis coaching she offers will “…help you get the most from your cannabis care [medical marijuana]…” Source:
Another online opinion disregards the above two kinds of cannabis coaching by pointing out “…educating their clients about cannabis [is not coaching]…it’s not just about the information, it’s about the transformation…” Source:
That third view has the most accuracy in helping you learn what cannabis coaching is. So many people are claiming to be cannabis coaches today but they really are cannabis consultants.
Forbes, a respected business information source, explains very clearly in plain English what the crucial differences are between a coach versus a consultant. Read what Forbes has to say..