A Request for Your Subconscious Mind

Whenever we hear the name Edison we are reminded of light. The man was an American inventor and entrepreneur whose name was Thomas Edison. He let nothing stand in his way of achieving what his mind came up with.

His surname rightfully stands today as a brand for innovation.

Edison certainly is remembered for making many improvements upon other men’s inventions, notably the light bulb and telegraph technology. However, I think of Edison for something less well-known: He was quoted as urging people to make requests of their subconscious minds before they went to sleep at night.

If someone were to listen to that advice from Edison, they would have to accept that there is genuine and true connection between what we think about in our minds and how happy and successful our lives turn out to be. This kind of perspective on the built-in power of one’s mind as the root of our happiness is not commonly accepted, of course. That would be too sensible.

light bulb stylized

As for me, yes I am happy to quote Edison whenever I mentor and coach people. I am happy as well to share the name of my website, DR WOODY COACHING.

I know what happiness is. I am an advocate of the belief that happiness originates within each of us. I teach people how to tune into their own mind and take certain steps each day to achieve and maintain happiness. Doing that makes me feel very good.

That focus on the space between our ears turns out to be far more important to our happiness in this life than how expensive our clothing is or whether our feet look attractive in designer boots. I’m someone who finds happiness wearing distressed blue jeans and walking around barefoot.

I hope you will think of Edison for at least a few days after reading this. I further hope that you will tune into your the power you’ve already got in there in your mind to start creating a happier life for yourself–personally and in your career. Do you see the light bulb going on yet?